La Tour Eiffel

La Tour Eiffel

Monday, May 3, 2010

Des Petites Notes

I'd just like to make a little side commentary on a few things.

1. While I was sitting in my room this evening I heard Frederique (she told me today to stop calling her 'Madame' and to just call her Frederique, but its weird because she just reminds me of my French teachers who I always call the Madames!) sneeze twice. And do you what? When the French sneeze they do not sneeze with an accent! I have discovered that sneezing is a universal sound that connects us all together. Forget love. Sneezing is the key. We learned about Descartes today in class and his famous "I think, therefore I am." Well, I think, therefore I am, and I think that sneezing is universal therefore it is.

2. Second note. I passed a really funny looking cross-dresser today on the way to the metro. First one I've seen so far after one week. Took longer than one might expect. He was dressed in a very fetching outfit that consisted of a baby pink blouse (that did not fit as flatteringly as it might have on a more petite frame) and a flouncy pink skirt that had several tiers in different shades of pink and I believe one of purple. I unfortunately missed the shoes, I only saw him in passing.

3. I forgot to mention in my earlier entries the big band that plays in the metro. We've seen them two or three times now and they're great. There's about ten or fifteen people who stand in a line on the side of the metro tunnel playing instruments and singing. With so many voices the music carries really far and its really exciting when you're walking past them. And the music is so catchy. Its bouncy music that makes me feel really epic and in a marching mood. It reminds me of Fiddler on the Roof. Anyways, I'll try to get a good picture and maybe a video of them if I see them again (which I expect I will). I certainly hope so.

4. This kind of goes along with number three. I just want to say that I really like all the people who go around playing instruments, especially when its the accordion. Its so fun to walk down the streets of Paris whilst listening to French accordion music. Its totally stereotypical France, but I eat it up anyways.

5. While I'm on the subject of stereotypes, I've noticed that Parisians really do wear berets! I thought it wasn't really that common anymore but I've definitely seen several men wearing them. Hats in general are more prevalent here. It makes me kind of sad that we don't wear hats that much in the States because its really cute. Today while waiting in line to see Sainte-Chapelle we saw two men and a woman (all a little bit older and short!) who were each of them carrying a folded umbrella, cute little overcoats, and hats. The woman was also wearing cute little old-fashioned heels. It was very Mary Poppins-esque. I don't know if they were legitimately wearing those clothes or if they were coming from a play rehearsal or something, but it was the cutest thing ever. I wish I had a picture. But I don't think they'd appreciate that.

6. I have just discovered a new pastime--listening to French rap music! It is really funny. And I learned something too--the French rappers also say "yo" and "bling bling"! I heard it in the beginning of one song called "Au pays du Ghandi" by MC Solaar. I also recommend listening to "Bling Bling" and "In God We Trust" also by MC Solaar if you want a good laugh. Although I have to admit some of them are rather catchy. It reminds me of my high school days when Kelly and I had to make our own French rap on a biography of Henri IV, which, beyond all reason, is actually possible. Good times. Good times.

Well, tomorrow is the field trip to Chartres so I'm going to bed now so I can get up early to be on time for the train.

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