La Tour Eiffel

La Tour Eiffel

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Bonjour mes amis, et ceux qui ce lisent!
I'm a little behind in starting this blog as its already the...fifth day that I've been in France, oh la la! So, I will try to catch you up as best I can. For a brief background on why I'm in France and what I'm doing here, Fall semester I applied to go on the Brigham Young University Spring Study Abroad in Paris and Southern France. I was accepted at the end of December and attended a preparation class once a week for the last block of winter semester. Finals ended last week on the 21st of April and six days later I was on a plane to Boston connecting to Paris, France! The purpose of this study abroad is founded on cultural and linguistic immersion. Therefore, of the 27 students who are in the program, we are paired off with a roommate and assigned to live with a French family for five weeks (the last week of the program we will be in Nice in Southern France). So, my plan? Become fluent in the next six weeks! Haha, probably not, but in the five days that I've been here I can already see an improvement in my listening comprehension which means its only a matter of time (and practice) until my speaking proficiency also improves.
Now then, to the fun stuff. What exactly have I been doing the past five days!?

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