Sunday, June 6
Day 39
Sunday morning we met as a class in the lobby and walked to the bus stop down the hill. I was stupid and wore my green dress and heels (because you need heels with that dress) so my feet were hurting by the time we actually got to church forty minutes later. We took a bus and then had to connect to another bus and we had left a little late so we missed the first two hours of church and made it for Sacrament Meeting. It was Fast Sunday so we listened to testimonies. It was nice and I understood most of it, although I was a little tired. I used one of the Elders’ mini hymn book but his companion was cuter (unfortunately he was also fresh out so not as attractive). Anyways, not really important.
After the meeting I lingered with Betsy, Paige, Sarah and Marissa and Betsy and I tried to make ourselves approachable because we wanted to practice our French. Unfortunately no one seemed to want to talk to us--but they had no problem talking to Giles or Marissa and Paige. I don’t know why they hated Betsy and I, who were the only ones who were seeking a conversation. We did end up talking to a sister missionary, but that was in English and she was American, from the University of Utah. She was very nice though. While we were hoping for a French conversation a lady stopped and started talking to us briefly, asking if we were with the BYU class etc. She said she had known the LeBras for quite a few years because they had been back each year with the program. But she seemed to want to make it a quick chat and we had immediately moved closer to her to engage her--it was a funny image because it was three of us and we towered over her (she was really short, even if I hadn’t been wearing heels, which made it worse) so it looked like we were cornering her and I think we scared her a bit with our enthusiasm, haha.Anyways, we ended up not really being able to talk to anyone and then we went and shared in the potluck dinner in the cultural hall. It was pretty good!
After eating and staying to help clean up we then left (Giles, Marissa, Sarah, Paige, Betsy and I) and headed over to the Matisse Museum. Its just a short distance from the chapel so we walked there. Not to be insensitive but the best part of the museum was how small it was. Apparently Matisse is some sort of great artist, but his work did not engage me. I’m not sympathetic to the modern art movement and his work did not strike me as very tasteful nor, frankly, very good. There were a couple pieces that I liked, which were more conservative in appearance and less erotic, but for the most part I wasn’t to impressed. The cool thing about seeing Matisse is that I can tell people I saw it. That is about it.
After the Matisse Museum we walked around and saw the ruins of an old Roman arena and then caught the bus at the station across the street to get home. We got back around 3 or 4 ish and I went to the beach where a lot of the rest of the class was already out sunbathing. It was really nice and relaxing to rest in the sun (and yes, that is my justification for having a beach day on Sunday--I think it works).
Then, in the evening I had a lovely dinner of cold couscous and later went into the lobby to use the internet and that is when I had my little experience with Vincent, the French boy...
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